The client cried in the presentation (because she loved it).
Apple products has always been for people who make things.
iStore Makers is a competition we launched where people can enter their best photography and illustrations made with their Apple devices. It is an evolution of  its predecessor iPhoneography - an iPhone only photography competition that was hosted on Instagram. We realised that people make so much more with Apple devices. They illustrate, design, animate, film and edit footage. iStore Makers was created as a platform to host and reward these amazing creators.
To launch the iStore Makers competition we created a poster campaign.
 I had to get crafty. Images that were used were sourced from my colleagues, my own collection, and a free stock image website. The illustrations are also my own. It turned out to be a fun project indeed.
The posters translated well into other communications such as online banners and pull up banners.

A new identity had to be created for the platform. The first place to start is always a logo:
The logo turned into a device that can overlay any images sourced from submissions. This served us well for rolling banners on the website (it even go turned into a sticker - if you live in joburg check out the La Santa Muerte's windows while you are there)
A website was designed where the competition is currently hosted (visit the link to see what it's all about:
We designed "badges" that could be awarded to submissions that were particularly significant. It not only helps to curate the gallery, but also creates a sense of community when people start to follow and appreciate each others work.
(Badges right to left: Influencer Submission, Makers Finalist, Makers Winner, Most Shared Submission)
Skills used:
✔️  Photography ✔️  Illustration ✔️ Design ✔️ Sourcing ✔️Logo Design ✔️Art Direction
Creative Directors: Jacques Gross, Dave Everson
Art Director: Lizandri van de Merwe
Copywriter: Siobhaun Hieber
Photography: Jabulani Sibiya, Pexels, Lizandri van de Merwe

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