OOH advertising is a huge medium in the African market. Many advertising battles are fought on these streets, and Castle Lite needed to fight back for their market share. 

We needed to introduce Castle Lite's new CCI of “Never Heavy, Always Refreshing” to our Pan African market. So, we rolled out an extensive Outdoor campaign across 9 different African markets  (Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia, Uganda). Each market complete with its nuances, marketing strategies, and rules. To make it even more complicated each county has different taglines (luckily with the same sentiment more or less), packs, and crazy billboard sizes. When I say crazy, I'm talking about the longest skinniest billboards you've ever seen right through to double-deckers with cutouts. We needed a design solution that could handle anything they can throw at us:


A layout system that can be pulled apart or work like building blocks.
Layouts are divided into grids of either 6 (landscape) or 9 (portrait) blocks. These blocks are then filled with our 3 main elements:
1. the line
2 the lifestyle image
3. the packshot

*JIPE RAHA Keep it Lite, is the tagline for Tanzania. 
*DESLIZA Curte Lite, is the tagline for Mozambique. With Desliza roughly translating to 'goes down smoothly' and Curte Lite to 'keep it light'.

Our lifestyle images for this campaign needed to resonate with our newly developed target market - the Extreme Maximisers.  

This energetic group makes sure they get the most out of the social events they attend - they maximize! Because Castle Lite is a light beer they can seamlessly make the most of each occasion they attend.

Our images needed to bring a fun-filled Castle Lite social occasion to life. We wanted to create a feeling - the feeling of a great time socialising with our friends, with beautiful Castle Lite bottles being the centre of attention. The camera needed to act as a fly on the wall to capture the best of these moments.
All of these images were further reinforced by our big bold refreshing pack.
Thank you. 
Agency | Ogilvy Cape Town
Creative Director | Mike Martin
Art Director | Lizandri van de Merwe
Photographer | Paul Samuels
Account Management | Julian Hendrickse, Thurlow Erasmus

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